If you are confident that you have been diligent at work and you deserve promotion at your level, then of course you should table this request before God and ask Him to grant your wish for you. There is nothing too great for our Lord to not be able to grant. Whatever position it is you want at the workplace, ask God in prayers. And let Him take care of the rest for you. Below, we will be looking at 30 powerful prayers for promotion at your workplace. Let’s go.
1-God my father, You are the one that blessed Abraham and made him a father of many nations. You blessed him with so much riches and made his name a household name to always be reckoned with. I am here before you today. I ask for the kind of blessing that You gave onto Abraham, bless me like that at my place of work. Bless me abundantly. Put it into the heart of my boss to promote to a higher position. Amen.
2- Father Lord, it is You I trust. My life is in your hands. My work is in your hands. I asked you for this job while I was still job seeking and you gave me the job. Now, I am asking You for another favor Lord. I am asking for promotion at my workplace. Please promote to higher grounds. Surprise the devil and remove me from all forms of stagnation at my workplace. Amen.
3-My peers have looked down on me O Lord. They think in their heads that I can never move from my position in the company to a greater position. Lord, surprise my peers. Right before their eyes, elevate me to a greater position at work in Jesus name. Let them marvel at the Lord’s work in my life Amen.
4-Lord, from today onwards, open doors of greatness and promotion for me at work in Jesus name. Let doors of promotion opportunities begin to open for me at my workplace. Amen.
5-I declare, through the power that God has put in me, that this month we are in, is my month of promotion at work in Jesus name. I will rise, rise and continue to rise in leaps and bounds at work in Jesus name.
6-Lord, the devil wants me to experience stagnancy at work. The devil is a liar that is what you said in Your word. Let the plan and wishes of the enemies over me be rebuked today in Jesus name. Don’t let the devil have any say over my prosperity at work in Jesus name.
7-O God in heaven, keeper of my dreams, my dream is perfect promotion at work. I want you to finalize the task of my promotion at my workplace perfectly in Heaven, so that it manifests perfectly on earth in Jesus name.
8-God of mercy, have mercy on me especially pertaining to my work. Visit my life today and gift me with promotion at work. Amen.
9-God of Elijah, Jehovah, I ask for divine favor in the eyes of my boss, or board of directors. Begin to put my name in a positive light in their hearts in Jesus name. Don’t let my name be skipped when it comes to promotion at work in Jesus name.
10-Lord, as honestly as I serve diligently at work, let me be rewarded diligently in form of a promotion in job title in Jesus name, Amen.
11-Let me receive divine favor in the eyes of my employers from today in Jesus name. Let them begin to consider me for salary elevation, job title promotion and more. Amen.
12-Lord, give the necessary knowledge and wisdom to create innovatively and execute great ideas at work in Jesus name.
13-Lord, from today forward, bless the work of my hands abundantly. Let me begin to grow from strength to strength at work in Jesus name.
14-Lord, I want you to position me strategically in order to be granted a promotion at work in Jesus name.
15-Lord, I am asking for promotion from You alone. Because I know that there is nothing that you cannot do. Lord, reward me for my faith in you and grant me the promotion that I want. Amen.
16-I ask for goodness, mercy, divine favor and prosperity at work. Amen.
17-O God in heaven, look upon me with mercy today as I call on you. Let me know blessing unmeasured and unrestricted from today onwards in Jesus name. Amen.
18-Lord, you said you will reward the humble in your word. Lord, look at my humble ways at work and start to reward me greatly. Amen.
19-Lord, raise your mighty hand, and begin to arrange everything to work toward my promotion at work. Amen.
20-Lord, render Satan powerless when it comes to matters of my work in Jesus name. Amen.
21-Let me begin to experience supernatural promotions at my workplace like never done before in Jesus name.
22-Lord, as I have faith in you that there is nothing that you cannot do for me. Lord, reward me handsomely in terms of my work, business, and job. Amen.
23-Let the devil be put to shame when it comes to matters of my work in Jesus name.
24-Every person working secretly at my workplace to prevent my promotion at work, let them be put to shame today. Amen.
25-God of mercy, look upon me with mercy today and bless me exceedingly at my work.
26-Lord, look at the work of my hands, and bless it today. Lord, grant me my much needed and deserved promotion at work. Amen.
27-Every spirit of stagnancy in my workplace, I reject them today in Jesus name.
28-I cover the work of my hands in the blood of Jesus. I soak my reputation at work in the blood of the lamb. Amen. As I have requested for promotion in my prayers today, may my wish be granted in Jesus name.
29-Dear God, thank you for answering my prayers and for assuring me that you have taken care of matters regarding my promotion. May your name be highly exalted.
30-I commit the workplace, my boss, my coworkers and I myself into God’s hands. Lord, take control. Let the company prosper and let me also prosper too. Amen.
Conclusion These powerful prayers for promotion are absolutely power packed. Start praying as you are reading these prayers. Have faith and let God work His wonders.